A lot of our recent posts have focused on external events or ideas. We’re changing that up this time around. Instead, we want to highlight some tools and work that we’ve found useful (some we made, others we just enjoy). You can access some of these here: https://dvtlz.com/

Here’s some quick gists on some of them:
A) SNHPS: quick and easy code snippets! A very useful reference for some of the variety of languages and frameworks that our team often works with, these snippets are essentially little lego blocks of commonly used boiler plate. It includes everything from standard file saving with Python to display the size of each folder and file in the current directory in Linux.
B) 5SBPM: a simple but highly useful online benchmark tool for estimating a device's CPU power. Our reference use case is using it to measure devices when shopping for new machines (linked over at dvtlz as well)
C) Cloudflare Backups: a quick Python script that retrieves a variety of data for each of your zones and writes to a file for an someone to review or augment further analysis.
In addition to the tools and resources above, we also wanted to highlight some public talks and workshops that our team has done:
Our founder and resident Techno Wizard, Lucas von Hollen, gave a workshop on “Robotics for Babies” at the iHub @ FSU last year. The main focus of the workshop was to lead students through an introductory exploration of “robotics,” by creating oversized Bristlebot-esque gadgets. You can watch that below:
Following that, I had the opportunity to chat with James Hudson’s IDS 1107 Future Innovators X class at the Innovation Hub @ Florida State University. My talk mostly focused on commercializing emerging technology and some useful frameworks. You can watch it here:
and check out the expanded deck here:
Not the usual deep dive or case study, but hopefully still something that brings value to anyone out there scouring our blog’s deep cuts!
- Lot of credit to Chris for a) developing the internal tools mentioned and b) both developing and curating https://dvtlz.com/
- Huge s/o to Jacob Javor and his work with the Seminole Innovators for producing and editing the videos linked above