
Who Is Sitebolts (your next technology partner)

"Sitebolts is a technology consulting firm focused on web development, cloud technologies, and data science." - some suit in a boardroom somewhere
The 3d sitebolts logo, but with more transparent space
June 18, 2024,
7:05 pm

Who is Sitebolts?

Who is Sitebolts? (the buzzwords)

Let's start with everyone’s favorite…the buzzwords. How would a suit in some boardroom describe us?
“Sitebolts is an independent technology consulting firm focused on web development, cloud technologies, and data science. We solve complex technology problems, enabling our clients to scale and operate more efficiently. Our clients include teams and organizations in the private, public and social sectors.”
While accurate, this certainly doesn’t cover all the uh…eccentricities that make Sitebolts a bit different than your usual tech firm.

Who is Sitebolts? (the story)

Okay, now that the buzzwords are taken care of, let’s talk in plain English. We're a team brought together by years of working together in the digital trenches. From extinguishing server fires to building custom AI models, we are the consulting and client services branch of the Wayspire enterprise.
Founded by Lucas von Hollen, our history stretches back to 2015 when he started his journey as the Techno Wizard of Tallahassee (seriously, that’s his thing, google it). His vision wasn’t just about technology; it was based on a belief that there was a different way to do business, one that could prioritize education, community, and curiosity. This belief was born from Lucas's firsthand experiences consulting for organizations across North Florida and sharpened as he independently built robots from scavenged parts (once again, google it…seriously), launched R&D groups, and taught at Florida State University and other academic institutions.
As this work became more complex, the team grew from a one-man show to a wider group, bringing together individuals with different skills and experiences, but all sharing the same values. Team members like Kara, Don, and Diego remember early days marked by long hours and extensive Discord calls, all backed by unwavering support for the vision beyond the lab coats and server racks. By 2020, Sitebolts was serving large enterprises, startups, and public agencies across a variety of services including web development and site reliability. In the last couple years, this growth has continued to compound and our capabilities have grown to include new areas like machine learning and data science.

Throughout this entire journey, Sitebolts has continued to be a reliable and steadfast partner for all our clients, helping them solve critical problems and drive their businesses with confidence and security. Some of the challenges we have solved for our clients during this journey include:
  • Re: solving critical problems → We migrated a fintech platform from their on-prem infrastructure to a major cloud provider, helping them cut down on over half of their their annual infrastructure costs.

  • Re: putting out fires → We have provided on-call managed hosting services for major media platforms, maintaining 100% uptime and reliability during crucial moments in election cycles.

  • Re: being a trusted partner → We stepped in and advised an executive team through a critical security incident, handling the hands-on response and resolution while leading all communications with users, vendors, and other stakeholders.

In the end however, our story is made up of all the individuals who have come together under Sitebolts.

Who is Sitebolts? (the people)

The official Sitebolts brand guide:
Oof- mobile device. Gotcha. Don't worry.
You can also open it in a new tab here:
Brand Guide
As we’ve scaled up, our strongest asset has consistently been the knowledge and skills that our team brings to the table. Not satisfied with the traditional way that firms have operated previously, we believe in taking our craft seriously while not taking ourselves too seriously. This belief is expressed through a multidisciplinary approach, with developers, designers, and subject matter experts coming together to solve mission-critical problems with creative and innovative solutions. We do this by providing a direct line to our leadership, a strategic perspective to building, and a commitment to clear communication and pragmatic implementation, without the decks full of buzzwords from agencies, the stuffy bureaucracy of large consulting firms, or the messy delivery of dev shops.
The roots of our team lie in web development and design, where we cut our teeth launching large media platforms like Florida Politics and BNC, using both native code and CMS development. As we expanded our team and capabilities, we began to forge even deeper partnerships as technology and operations advisors to executives and founders in various industries such as real estate with XL Technologies, fintech with Innovation Centric Group, and deeptech with Arcflash labs. Throughout these different projects and products, we leveraged our skills in data science, cloud technologies, and system integrations to solve our client’s biggest headaches with strategies and tactics honed through hard-won lessons as operators and practitioners.
These days, our team combines expert leadership in key disciplines with a network of specialists from both academia and industry who come together to form decentralized teams that are constantly pushing the boundary of what's possible. We believe that the most complex challenges require solutions that combine novel and innovative approaches with high reliability and security. After years of heads down work, we have launched our new brand and site to the world to both reflect on how far we come, and also double down on our continued drive to grow and expand as a team and trusted partner.

Who is Sitebolts? (your next technology partner)

Now that we’ve re-introduced ourselves and shared a bit more about our story and our team….here comes the sales pitch. Technology is moving faster than ever. Businesses are dealing with complex situations, full of critical choices and risks. Basically, it’s harder than ever to just keep up, let alone lead the way. If you’re facing some of these challenges and need a dedicated technology partner that can advise you through mission-critical moments, support your most important technical assets, or build custom solutions for your toughest problems, please reach out at [email protected].

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